Construction division is riches with our engineers and technicians. We have been completed different projects during our last ten years of service experience.
We are specialist in and are well capable in below mentioned fields of construction.
Buildings, concrete works, excavations, backfilling, leveling, fencing and surveying.
Our civil work team is highly motivated to achieve difficult and tuff targets and well equipped with all required heavy and light equipment.
We are capable and handling all type of civil construction activities like….
RCC & BCC Concrete Works
RIG Platforms
Deep Excavations, Rock Breaking
Land Leveling & Grading, Backfilling
Right Off Ways
Road Construction
Sleepers Casting
Al-Masila Mechanical Department is highly qualified to handle all equipment including installation of all kind of equipment heavy or light, big or small like…..
Flare Stacks
Air Compressors
Power Generators
Our team of mechanical engineers and technicians having a vast range of experience to manage and handle Installation, fabrication, erection of all construction related activities concerning Piping OR Pipelines such as,
SS, CS, MS either heavy or light schedules, high or low pressure in accordance with international oil & gas industry standards like...
We are capable and having sufficient experienced staff & equipment to carryout construction, installation, erection work of Oil OR Water Storage Tanks including material supply.
We are also having expertise in cleaning of Oil Storage Tanks during shut downs within limited time frame.
Including all type of steel structure either heavy or light, pipe racks, and heavy supporting structures, sand blasting & painting
Including instrumentation, electrical and communications, installation of panels, cable trays, cable laying and all E&I related activities
We are having a Fabrication Workshop size 20 M x 40 M x 8M at our Base Camp and well equipped with all fabrication and welding facilities. Having all type of lifting, welding and fabrication equipment.
We're well capable to carry out all pre-fabrication activities including Piping, Steel Structures, Tanks and Access Platforms.
We are having a well-managed sand blasting & painting yard connected with our Fabrication Shop at our base camp.
Including fabrication, installation, erection and supply of such units.
We're capable to provide above facilities within the
provided time frame with
no delays.
In the area of maintenance we usually have projects like mechanical maintenance of the steel structures or pipeline, storage tanks, sandblasting & painting etc.